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Spring Cleaning Facts

Spring Cleaning Ffacts

Spring Cleaning Facts You Need to Know

It is good to know some of the important spring cleaning facts and appreciate the spring cleaning culture that we have nowadays. Somehow, this can create an impact that may inspire you to do spring cleaning purposely. Especially when we recall the deep motivation of our ancestors in doing thorough spring cleaning.

Spring cleaning custom nowadays has its roots from ancient times. The earliest custom was from the Jewish religious culture. The Jewish people performed thorough cleaning as a preparation for the ‘Passover Feast’. A feast that means ‘Exodus’ or a journey of Israelites from slavery to freedom. Traces of unleavened bread were removed from their home before the feast starts.  Another ancient custom is from the Iranian practice of “khooneh tekouni,” which means “shaking the house.” Or simply taking the dust out and getting a fresh start. This happens on the first day of the Persian New Year that falls on the first day of spring.

Nowadays, spring cleaning continues to be a prevalent practice in countries that experience winter at least once a year. It usually starts at the beginning of the months after the winter season. Aside from what’s already mentioned, several other spring cleaning facts are still available for your discovery. And we will discuss 6 more, here are:

6 More of Spring Cleaning Facts You need to know

1.      Spring Cleaning tradition from Chinese Ancient Custom

The official spring day of the Chinese Custom usually starts after the Chinese New Year. The new year usually falls on the 28th day of the 12th month of the year depending on the Lunar Calendar. And on this first day of spring, a holiday called ‘Ninyabaat’ is celebrated. This holiday designates cleaning that symbolises sweeping away the bad luck of the previous year. And as a preparation for homes to receive the good luck of the coming new year.

For Chinese Buddhist and Taoist tradition, this spring day is also the burning of old ornaments on their altars. And making it new again to show their high regard for their statues and altars. Also, during the first day of the new year, they practice the belief of keeping away their brooms and dustpan. This is for them to keep the good luck they received and not be swept away by brooms.

2.      Spring Cleaning Traces Back to The Hearth

Chimneys and Fireplaces had always been a necessity in the past. And still exists in the modern world of architecture and interior design. But one of the many spring cleaning facts that are unknown to most people is the fact that they inspired spring cleaning to most cultures. Especially for countries who experience winter at least once a year. As this awesome home amenity brings forth warmth during the winter season, leftover sooth and wax builds up and hardens. Over time, they get essentially difficult to clean up. Thus, as spring comes, people become accustomed to cleaning their fireplaces and chimneys hardly to take out the leftover sooth and wax. And along with that, all mess and dirt accumulated throughout the winter season.

3.      Women of the past carried out all house cleaning and later hired Servants and started the professional spring cleaning services niche

In as early as 1850, common house cleaning tasks like sweeping and dusting are usually carried out by women. This is because women are usually the ones left to take care of their homes. They dust chambers and stairs, do room sitting and all the kitchen works. And they do these tasks while taking care of their children as well. Modern times quickly unfolded, so did the women of today’s occupational culture and lifestyle. With the vast demands of day jobs and the dire need to meet their daily living standards, they prefer hiring maidservants or the pros for spring cleaning.

This scenario actually gives a picture of today’s homemakers who do all the intensive tasks of the spring by themselves. And later on, as most tasks become intensive, hiring the pros to become one of the options. Spring cleaning then becomes less tedious and efficiently done through the help of these pros. And as civilisation continues to evolve, modern way of spring cleaning services also continues to rise. Spring cleaning facts items and tradition confirm that nowadays, the need for spring cleaning services becomes extensively broad and wide.

Related: Affordable House Cleaning Services Tips: To do List Before Hiring the Right Cleaning Provider

4.      Spring Cleaning products emerge as centuries unfold

Spring cleaning facts reveal that at the turn of the century, cleaning products also started to emerge. The invention of the first vacuum cleaning is in 1901. And the first disinfectant was introduced in the 19th century. This was in a way to combat a Spanish flu at that time. But, still has gained popularity for spring cleaning usage in 1918. Moreover, synthetic detergents were introduced in 1953. While, on 1998, Romi Haan of South Korea, envisioned the invention of a steam mop. And by the year 2004, he formally launched this product on the market. More products continue to arise as spring cleaning becomes a universal custom.  And up until the end of 19th century to date, a great quantity and variety of spring cleaning products become available in the worldwide market.

5.       Baking soda, lemon and vinegar usage can be traced from Ancient Spring Cleaning.

In as early as 3500 B.C. ancient Egyptians already used baking soda or sodium bicarbonate as a soap-like cleaning agent. Alfred Bird, a British Chemist introduced baking soda as a baking powder to help his wife get away with a yeast allergy. On 1846, a new brand was introduced and is called ‘The Arm & Hammer. Then, in the early 19th century, national magazines feature the usefulness of baking soda in homes. Until in the late 19th century.  At the beginning of the 20th century, baking soda was already at its peak of discovery as an effective cleaning agent. Aside from its many other uses, it becomes familiar and commonly used in almost all of the homes.

Presently, baking soda is an ingredient for laundry detergent, deodorant, antacids and cat litter. Also, it’s an effective agent in polishing silverware and clog showerheads. It can maintain the cleanliness of mattresses, cleans furniture and de-stinks your disposal.

Lemon has its origin in Northern India and South China. From ancient times, its medicinal purpose is already clear. Europe’s, Middle East’ and the Mediterranean’s cuisine also feature lemons. Nowadays, lemons continue to be a very useful fruit. Not just for medicine or for culinary purposes but also as an effective home cleaning agent.

Vinegar usage can be traced in as early as 3000 B.C. The Egyptians used vinegar to fight bacterial diseases. And aside from medicinal purposes, it’s also a cleaning agent and food enhancer. Presently, most homeowners use vinegar to remove stains, fingerprints or spots. Even in cleaning the interior of their ovens and washing machines. A mixed vinegar and baking soda produce an effervescent effect that can clean dirty dishes and drain clogs. And removes sticky residues and stains as well.

6.      Spring cleaning has a psychological and biological sense

Winter season can boost the production of melatonin into the body. This hormone causes you to feel sleepy most of the time. So, your body won’t really feel like doing any task at all. However, when springtime comes, your body’s melatonin decreases due to the increase of the sunlight. And this decrease of melatonin has a natural energy boost that urges you to do your cleaning. Hence, biologically, your body has a natural urge to clean during springtime.

On another hand, the psychological payoff that you can benefit from doing the cleaning is becoming more creative and healthier. If you see that everything is in order and organised, you’ll become relaxed and less anxious. Therefore, this item in our spring cleaning facts justifies spring cleaning as beneficial to both our physical and psychological well-being.

The spring cleaning of today’s generation has its roots from ancient times. The traditional thorough cleaning of the past has contributed largely to how spring cleaning is at present. Even the hiring of the pros can be traced from the earliest times. And has a great impact on how efficient is today’s spring cleaning. The continued evolution of cultures and lifestyle has made spring cleaning more significant and beneficial. Both on the psychological and physical component of the human person. Especially, those who are looking forward to a more efficient and purposeful spring cleaning endeavour.

Related: Spring Cleaning Tips for Seniors

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